Engine Service

When a heavy diesel truck exhibits symptoms like power loss, excessive smoking, unusual noises, or an illuminated Check Engine Light (CEL), it signals the need for expert engine service. At our shop, we pride ourselves on employing ‘outstanding’ technicians who are dealer trained, certified, experienced and adept at handling these challenges. Utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic tools tailored to each truck brand, our team quickly and accurately pinpoints the underlying issues. Their expertise extends beyond mere troubleshooting; they excel in formulating a precise repair plan, which includes efficient ordering of high-quality parts. This meticulous approach ensures that every solution is not just a temporary fix but a long-term resolution to enhance the truck’s performance and reliability. Our technicians’ ability to diagnose and resolve even the most complex problems has earned us a stellar reputation, often leading local dealerships to refer their toughest cases to us. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to excellence in diesel engine servicing. We ensure that each truck leaving our shop is not only fixed but restored to its optimal condition, so you can get back on the road swiftly and confidently.


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