Trailer Service

Did you know that Average trailer repairs require 12-24 hours of shop time at costs ranging from $800-$2500 based on industry PM task force findings? Proper alignment, air system checks and periodic component replacement can reduce incidence of issues.

Our technicians inspect and repair Brake chamber leaks; Cracked cross members; Refrigeration unit failures; Electrical faults; Landing gear damage; Air line leaks/damage; Door hinge/seal repairs; Cargo securement issues; Tire wear from improper alignment; Wheel end repairs.

We Replace worn seals and chambers. Check slack adjuster function; Reinforce, repair or replace damaged cross members; Diagnose and replace failed components of refrigeration units. Recharge refrigerant; Check electrical connectors, harness integrity and grounding. Repair/replace components; straighten, weld or replace bent landing gear components; Replace damaged air lines and fittings. Ensure lines protected by ECP suspensions; Adjust, reinforce or replace door hinges. Replace worn gaskets and seals; Evaluate cargo securement system condition per CVSA guidelines. Repair/replace components; Align axles. Inspect tires for irregular wear patterns. Coordinate replacement if necessary; Replace failed wheel seals, bearings, fasteners based on recommended intervals.

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